Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Policy Framework Development The WritePass Journal

Policy Framework Development Introduction Policy Framework Development ). These core principles have remained the same since the creation of the NHS (Bochel, 2009,p. 332). However, free health care as provided by the NHS proved to be very expensive, with the drug bill increasing from  £13 million to  £41 million within the first two years of its creation. Additionally, as medicine progressed as a science, new technologies and methods increased the cost of the NHS from  £200 million to  £300 million. The provision of free health care for all led to excess demand, adding pressure to the already limited medical resources. The Government was reluctant to cover the excess cost, as it needed to invest in other sectors, such as education. As a result, charges for certain services, such as spectacles and dentures, as well as for prescriptions were implemented (Alcock2008). Neo-liberal ideology and the NHS In 1979, when the NHS had been in place for several decades, a Neo Liberal Government was elected, with little sympathy for the state provision of welfare and the high level of expenditure associated with it (Bochel, 2009, p. 332). Neo-liberal ideology supports the reorganization of the financial and organizational aspects of healthcare services worldwide, based on the argument that the then-existing health systems had failed. According to the recommendation report in 1983, four major problems of health systems globally were: i) misallocation of resources; ii) inequity of accessing care; iii) inefficiency; and iv) exploding costs. It was claimed that government hospitals and clinics were often inefficient, suffering from highly centralised decision-making, wide fluctuations in allocations, and poor motivation of workers (Alcock, 2008). Quality of care was also low, patient waiting times were long and medical consultations were short, misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment were comm on. Also, the public sector had suffered from serious shortages of medical drugs and equipment, and the purchasing of brand-name pharmaceuticals instead of generic drugs was one of the main reasons for wasting the money spent on health (Navarro, 2007). Private providers were more technically efficient and offer a service that was perceived to be of higher quality. Neo-liberal policies Examples of policies implemented by the Neo-Liberal Government were those based on cost-effectiveness. Cost-effectiveness was presented as the main tool for choosing among possible health interventions for specific health problems. Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) were used to measure the burden of disease and thus allowing comparisons between specific health problems. Greater reliance on the private sector to deliver clinical services was encouraged, with the expectation that it would raise efficiency. It was suggested that Governments should privatise the healthcare services, by selling the public goods and services, buying the services from the private sector, and supporting the private sector with subsidies. In order to increase efficiency, unnecessary legal and administrative barriers faced by private doctors and pharmacies would need to be removed. Neoliberal policies in healthcare were heavily criticised as they reportedly misdiagnosed the problems and its treatment, leading to a situation worse than it was before the policies were implemented. Shrinking from welfare state to minimum liberal state, retreating from most of the public services and letting the area to irrationality of market dynamics is making pharmaceutical, medical technology, insurance, and law companies the lead actors. It has been claimed that a system providing services according ability-to-pay rather than healthcare need, ensures decreased availability and accessibility to services† (Danis et al., 2008; Janes et al., 2006; Unger et al, 2008). New Labour and the NHS In 1997, the New Labour Government was elected, with a main focus to make a significant improvement on peoples’ health. This was expected to be done by rebuilding the health services within the NHS through â€Å"decentralizing of power and decision-making to local health trusts†. Decentralising was important in order to achieve increased responsiveness to local health needs by widening patient choice, and promoting organizational efficiency. The underlying premise was that decentralization would shorten the bureaucratic hierarchical structure and allow flexibility for local trust managers and health professionals- thus improving organizational performance from the ‘bottom-up’ (Crinson, 2009 :p 139). In 1997 the Government put forward its plans in the White Paper: â€Å"The New NHS: Modern, Dependable† (Blakemore 2003:p 172). The objective was to reduce bureaucratic control from the centre and restore autonomy to health professionals within the NHS. A t the same time, the Government was determined to limit public expenditure by looking at what was already put in place by the previous government. One of the new Labour objectives was to reduce the number of people on the treatment waiting list by offering patients greater choice of provider at the point of inpatient referral. This was put in place from January 2006 onwards, where patients have been offered a choice of at least four hospitals when referred for treatment by their general practitioner. In addition, a new inpatient booking system was put in place, where patients themselves could book their place and time of treatment (Adam, 2006). In 1998, health inequality targets were included in the public service agreements with local government and cross-department machinery was created to follow up a ‘Programme of Actions’, which had the general aim to reduce inequality in terms of life expectancy at birth, and to reduce the infant mortality rate by 10 per cent by 20 10 (Glennerster, 2007 : p 253). Examples of health care policies implemented by New Labour are: Maximum waiting times for in-patient treatment: six months by 2005 and three months by 2008; Patients able to see a primary care practitioner within twenty-four hours and a GP within forty- eight hours; Maximum waiting time of four-hours in emergency rooms; Plans to improve cancer treatment and health inequalities. In addition, in order to improve efficiency, two bodies were set up to give advice and push for more consistent and effective clinical standards in determining the cost of new drugs and procedures. This was the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) (Glennerster,2007 : p 250). However, as argued by Peckham and colleagues (year?), the decentralization of the NHS had mixed results. They note that the process of decentralization was not clear and that there were contradictions, reflecting a simultaneous process of centralization and decentralization, in which local performance indicators were centrally-set. If achieved, this resulted in increased financial and managerial autonomy. However, there was some supportive evidence that decentralization had improved patients’ health outcome, as well as improved efficiency in coordination and communication processes (Crinson, 2009 : p 140). The Government at the time met its target for treatment waiting lists by 2000- the number of people on the waiting list had fallen by 150,000. However, one main criticism came from the doctors, nurses and other health professionals where they were the ones dealing with prioritizing patients based on medical need, whilst having to explain to other anxious and angry patients w hy their treatment is delayed (Crinson, 2009). Coalition Government and the NHS In 2010, the newly established Coalition Government published the NHS White Paper ‘Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS policy’, prepared by the Department of Health. This policy included important changes compared to those proposed by the previous Government, and reflected the aims of the Coalition’s five year plan. Some of the proposed changes include: i) responsibility for commissioning of NHS services shifted to GPs, as the Primary Care Trusts and Strategic Health Authorities were dissolved, and ii) Foundation Trust status granted to all hospitals, ensuring increased autonomy and decision-making power. These reforms were part of the Coalition’s broader goal to give more power to local communities and empower GPs. By way of estimation, it is expected that this cost to about 45% for the NHS management. Strengthening of the NHS Foundation Trusts in order for these Trusts to provide financial regulation for all NHS services was another objective of the reform. An independent NHS board was set up, with the aim to lead and oversee specialised care and GP commissioning respectively. The objectives behind the Coalition Government’s plans was to increase health spending in real terms for each year of Parliament, with full awareness that this would impact the spending in other areas. The Coalition Government still maintained Beverage idea that all health care should be free and available to everybody at the point of delivery, instead of based on the ability to pay. It was expected that this approach would improve standards, support professional responsibility, deliver better value for money and as such create a healthier nation. Although the Prime Minister rectified it in his speech, the Government failed to provide a clear account of the shortcomings of the NHS and its challenges. The preparation of the White Paper, which was to pass the coalition committees examination, saw more compromises. The elimination of PCTs was not foretold but the conservatives would make PCTs remain as the statutory commissioning authority responsible for public health despite their commitment to devolving real budgets to GPs. It was rumoured that the Liberal Democrats policy of elected representatives to PCTs appear weak. The compromise was to give greater responsibility for public health to local authorities and eliminate PCTs. This resulted in the formation of the GP commissioning consortia and the Health and Wellbeing Boards. Despite concerns raised by stakeholders, the proposals saw just a few changes. Maybe we can call it a missed chance in retrospect. Conclusion In conclusion, it can be argued that without the NHS coming to force when it did at such a dire time after the Second World War, the already high mortality rates would have continued to rise. The NHS was vital in changing peoples’ lives in England and Wales and around the world. The system was designed meet everyone needs, regardless of financial abilities and without discrimination. Many changes have taken place since the birth of the NHS in 1948. Four different Governments adapted the NHS with their policies and legislation. However, throughout its evolution, the NHS still provides healthcare free of charge, as was intended from its conception. References Alcock, (2008). Social Policy in Britain. 3rd ed.Basingstoke: Palgrace Macmillan Alexion Pharma (2010). Politics and Policy [Online] www. [emailprotected] Available From: pnh-alliance.org.uk/politics-and-policy/the-department-of-health-publishes-equity-and-excellence-liberating-the-nhs. [Accessed on: 06 Nov. 12] Blakemore, K (2003). Social Policy an introduction. 2nd ed. United Kingdom: Open University Press. Blakemore, K, Griggs, E. (2003). Social Policy an introduction. 3nd ed.England: Open University Press. Bochel, H., Bochel, C., Page, R., Sykes, R. (2009). Social Policy Themes, Issues and Debates. 2nd ed. England: Pearson Education Limited. Crinson, I. (2009) Health Policy a critical perspective. London: Sage Publication Ltd. Glennerster, H. (2007). British Social Policy. 3rd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Danis, M.Z., Karatas, K., Sahin, M.C. (2008). Reflections of neoliberal policies on healthcare field and social work practices. World Applied Sciences Journal, 5(2), 224-235. Ezeonu, I. (2008). Crimes of globalization: health care, HIV and the poverty of neoliberalism in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 1(2), 113-134. Hospital Stories from Hell: National Health Videos (1998) [DVD] London: Channel 4. Recorded off –air 19/03/1998 Macara, S. ( 1998). Nursing Studies. BBC News: True to its principles [Online]. Available from: NHS Choices. Moonie N. (2003). Health and Social Care. Series ed. Oxford: Heine Educational Publisher. Navarro, V. (2007). Neoliberalism as a class ideology; or, the political causes of the growth of inequalities. Int J Health Serv, 37(1), 47-62. NHS. ( 2012). Nursing Studies. About the NHS: NHS core principles [Online]. Available from: NHS Choices. Oliver, Adam. Further progress towards reducing waiting times. Health Policy Monitor, April 2006. Available at hpm.org/survey/uk/a7/1 . [Accessed on: 14 Nov. 12] Pennies from Bevan: National Health Videos (1998) [DVD] London: Chanel 4. Recorded off –air 14/06/1998 Rivett, G (2012). Nursing Studies, National Health Service History. [Online]. Available from: NHS history.net [Accessed 06 March 2012). Socialist Health (2010). Coalition Health Policy 2010 [Online] sochealth.co.uk. Available From: sochealth.co.uk/campaigns/health-and-social-care-bill-2012/coalition-health-policy-2010/. [Accessed on: 06 Nov.12] Viveash, B, Senior, M. (1998). Health and Illness. London: Macmillan Press.

Friday, November 22, 2019

8 Expressions with the Word Quick

8 Expressions with the Word Quick 8 Expressions with the Word Quick 8 Expressions with the Word Quick By Maeve Maddox The English word quick is related to Latin vivus, â€Å"alive.† The version of the Apostle’s Creed I grew up with contains this sentence: â€Å"Thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.† The line echoes 1 Peter 4:5 (KJV): ‘Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.† The â€Å"quick and the dead† are the â€Å"living and the dead.† When a fetus begins to move in the womb, it is said to quicken, that is, â€Å"show signs of life.† Because motion is an attribute of being alive, quick has come to have the additional meaning of â€Å"rapidity of movement.† The OED entry for quick offers numerous definitions, but this post is limited to eight idioms that employ the word in its senses of â€Å"living† and â€Å"rapid.† 1. quickie In the 1920s, quickie was Hollywood slang for a Grade B movie because such a film was made quickly, often in a few days. By the 1930s, the term was being used to mean â€Å"a quick act of coitus.† Nowadays, the sexual connotation seems to be the most common for the noun, but attributively, the word quickie is used to indicate that something took place quickly or was of brief duration, for example, â€Å"a quickie divorce,† â€Å"a quickie interview,† â€Å"a quickie nap,† etc. 2. quick and dirty The OED entry shows that quick-and-dirty was in use at the turn of the 19th century in reference to a restaurant or diner that served cheap, quick meals: â€Å"I was far too proud to ever think of becoming a house maid or a waitress in one of those quick and dirty lunch places† (1896). In modern usage, the phrase means â€Å"done or produced hastily but effectively; makeshift†- a meaning similar to that of â€Å"jerry-rigged.† 3. quick fix Although in use in the 1960s, the expression’s popularity began to rise in the 1980s. A â€Å"quick fix† is â€Å"a quick and easy remedy or solution.† Such a remedy is often expedient but temporary and fails to address underlying problems. 4. quick on the draw The stereotype of the Western gunslinger is that of a man who could draw his gun from its holster instantly. Another idiom that references the quickness of the gunslinger is â€Å"quick on the trigger.† Both mean â€Å"quick to act or react.† 5. quicksand Quicksand is a bed of sand usually saturated with water. Because it is semi-liquid, it tends to suck down objects that rest on its surface. The name derives from the fact that the bed shifts as if it were alive and breathing. Figuratively, quicksand implies something treacherous, dangerous, and difficult to get out of. For example: â€Å"It may be the only policy that can save us, long-term, from sinking into the  quicksand  of endless  war  and bankruptcy or nuclear Armageddon.† 6. quickset Stories set in the English countryside frequently include mention of quickset. Farmers separate fields with fences and hedges. Fences are made of dead wood. Quickset is a living hedge. Plants with thorns are preferred for this use, usually hawthorn. 7. quicksilver Anyone who has ever broken a thermometer and played with mercury can understand why the element is also known as quicksilver. Shiny silver in appearance, the substance moves as if it were alive. Figuratively, quicksilver is used in the sense of very fast or mercurial. It’s often used as an adjective. For example, â€Å"Colbert was as  quicksilver with  his  wit  as Fred [Astaire] was  with  his feet.†Ã‚   8. cut to the quick If in trimming your nails you cut too far, the pain informs you that you have cut yourself â€Å"to the quick.† This quick is the flesh below the nails or skin that hurts when it is cut. Figuratively, this kind of quick represents the essence of one’s being. The expression â€Å"to be cut to the quick† means, â€Å"to be deeply hurt.† For example, â€Å"His remark cut her to the quick.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Congratulations on or for?Rules for Capitalization in TitlesStarting a Business Letter with Dear Mr.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why is the British Government pursuing a policy of austerity while the Essay

Why is the British Government pursuing a policy of austerity while the economy is not growing - Essay Example The failure strategies and policies include the government opting to greatly cut down on the budgets of some of its departments to as low as thirty percent (Barrell and Liadze, 2009, p. 208). The Government had employed the austerity policies and hoped that it will greatly check on the budget deficit to minimum level of zero percent by the end of that financial year. This was also considered as a move by the government to boost its economic status and assist in paying off its public debt. Despite the above measures, the budget deficit of Britain has remained at an alarming rate and with the impact being felt most by the citizens following the increased recessions (Barrell and Liadze, 2009, p. 207) Pressure in now mounting on the government to come up with working solutions as well as cut down on the credit ratings. The austerity approach failed to meet its intended role of certifying things beyond reasonable doubt thus resulting to a huge setback in the economic development of Britai n. The Government of Britain is being accused of simply trying to experiment how efficient the austerity approach can be to its economy (Barrell, Holland, and Hurst, 2012, p. 933).This experiment has led the Britain citizens to live in depression for a long period of time.. From the look of things with regards to Britain economy, it is most likely that the austerity policies will not be easily implemented. Economists have come out strongly explaining that measures like cutting down on government expenditure may in the long run reduce the economic output largely, tax revenues to decrease, and spending on benefits to increase (Barrell and Liadze, 2009, p. 207). This however takes time and may end up resulting in an increase in the budget deficit. The government had intended to win back the favor of investors and businessmen by employing the austerity strategy. The effort to try and salvage the economic situation following the implementation of austerity policies has resulted to a big battle by the Bank of England to try slash investment spending (Delong and Summers, 2012, p. 78). This measure has however remained decimal and depressed. The government has also blamed the Eurozone for being its biggest business partners yet in has don e nothing to help it with the issue of recession. The government of Britain may try resolving this recession issue by loosening its fiscal policy (Delong and Summers, 2012, p. 78). Despite such positive advice, the government has remained adamant and has continued to propagate the pre-Keynesian economics. This approach has resulted in some positive changes in the country’s fiscal policy but most people have not yet felt the fruits of his efforts and opt for better contribution. Back in 2009, the government had forecasted that come 2013, the deficit would have gone down by 3.5 per cent of G.D.P. With time, the forecast has proven to have been too optimistic (Delong and Summers, 2012, p. 78). Despite the government coming up wit h measures to reduce economic budget deficit as well as government spending, it has not yet fully implemented these measures as it keeps on postponing them with the latest future date being put at them forward until 2016 to 2017 (Fatas, 2012, p. 78). The debt-to-G.D.P. ratio, which the government opted to go up by about seventy per cent, has surprisingly hit seventy-five per cent, and chances are that it will continue to increase up to eighty per cent in 2016. (Fatas, 2012, p. 78). The British government also blames the Eurozone crisis for the immense reduction of the amount of Britain exports goods. If the government realized that the external environment was unreliable it could have adapted to boosting the domestic market and solve

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Chanel Company - Chanel Bags Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Chanel Company - Chanel Bags - Essay Example Therefore, the profit margin always increases with fall in the prices of these channel bags. Another crucial factor that affects the supply of these products is the income differences. In any case, there is an increase in the income levels of a population holding other factors constant, the sales for channel bags increase because the extra amount will be spent on purchasing them and an increase in profit margin is realized. Although when income spent decreases, the households will only concentrate on the most essential commodities lead to a fall in sales of channel bags, as it will be considered a luxurious need. The price at which other related goods are sold will affect demand in that if a bag like travelling bag with the same features is offered for a relatively low price compared to that of channel bags there will be a fall in demand for the channel bags, which results to low sales and profit. In case there is an increase in demand of the travelling, all customers will shift to c hannel bags hence rise in sales and profit margin. Advertisement also affects sales in such a way that whenever there is an effective awareness created on the channel bags there is a boost in sales and profits.The channel bags being in fashion is another factor that has boosted its sales. Many customers always prefer whatever product that is in fashion hence there is increased demand. The supply of channel bags can be affected by price changes. If an increase in the price of channel bags is factored in, the supply of this product will increase with an expectation of widenig the profit margin but if the prices fall the supply will be low. Low supply leads to a decrease in sales while an increase in supply leads to incresed sales. Lastly, change in technoloy employed matter a lot. Up to date technology makes production to be very effective and efficient hence increased supply that enjoys from economies of scale hence incresed profit margin. Demand curve The above graph shows that an increase in price of the bags leads to a fall in demand of the bags and decrease in price of the bags leads to an increase in demand of the bags. Other actors will lead to a shift of the curve. An increase in demand leads to a shift to the right while a decrease in demand leads to a shift to the left. Supply curve The above graph show how increase in the price of a commodity leads to an increase in the supply of the commodity. In case there is a fall in price of the bags, there will be a consequent fall in supply of the bag. . Other factors will lead to a shift of the curve. An increase in supply leads to a shift to the right while a decrease in supply leads to a shift to the left. b) Market structure The kind of market structure for channel bags is a perfect competition kind of market. This is simply because there are no barriers for new sellers into the market; there are many sellers and buyers. In this market, there are many other sellers. All these companies are allowed free entry into these markets where there are many buyers. c) The channel bags company should move from this kind of market structure because there is maximization of profits. The most ideal market structure is the monopoly kind of market where the firm can dictate its own profits and prices. The most

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Domestication of Dangerous Dog Breeds Essay Example for Free

Domestication of Dangerous Dog Breeds Essay Since the beginning of earliest civilisation, man has relied on and surrounded himself with animals, for both assistance with labour and companionship. The phrase ‘man’s best friends’ is often used to described one of the most loyal and popular of these animals, the dog. Yet, in recent years, under the continued influence of rising dog attack numbers and societal pressure, new legislation has been introduced, collectively known as ‘Breed-Specific Legislation’. Under these new laws, certain breeds of animal are restricted or deemed dangerous, simply because of stereotypes associated with temperament and aggression. While many believe that this legislation is the most suitable response to a rapidly accelerating concern, further anaylsis into both the legal and social aspects of the issue reveal that ‘Breed-Specific Legislation’ may not be the most effective solution to the issues surrounding the ownership and domestication of restricted dog breeds. The relevant legal proceedings for this issue is directly related to the structural legislative balance between the rights of the individual and the rights of the collective. Under Australia’s current laws, our views on this matter lean more favourably towards the rights of the collective community, preferring to cater for society as a whole, rather than to a select number of individuals. Under the QLD Animal Management (Cats Dog) Act 2008, a prohibited dog is defined as ‘A restricted dog is a dog of a breed prohibited from importation into Australia under the Customs Act 1901’, which is then further defined as the following breeds. The American Pit-Bull Terrier, Dogo Argentino (The Argentine Mastiff), the Fila Brasileiro, the Japanese Tosa and the Presa Canario. Under this Act, anyone who is found to be in possession of, or declared the owner of, a dog determined by an authorised official to be of a restricted breed, is liable to severe legal implications and as a matter of course the dog is destroyed. However, there are no laws or recommendations in place, at least none accessible to the public, to determine what legal implications should occur. Any consequences are determined by precedent and circumstance, and often require mandatory legal representation in order to be settled effectively. This is predominately due to the provision under the Customs Act 1901, stating that it is the responsibility of the local governments to dictate the prohibition of certain breeds (or cross breeds) of dogs in their jurisdictions. These decisions are at the discretion of each local government’s law, and higher hierarchical authorities, such as the state government, have limited powers to intervene with these laws. This ambiguity means that there is no definitive response to be taken under criminal law, in the event of a breach. The responsibility falls to the local government to conduct the judicial proceedings and execute the consequences. As such, it is impossible to fairly and equally apply the current laws, when major decisions are left to the discretion of many individual stakeholders. The current breed-specific legislation also proves a difficult task to enforce. While there are set guidelines in determining a dog’s breed based on physical characteristics, according to the Australian Veterinarian Association ‘it is not possible to precisely determine the breed of the types of dogs targeted by breed-specific legislation by appearance or by DNA analysis. ’ As such, while an animal may contain genetic traces of restricted breeds, it can often be indistinguishable from other traits. In the same manner, however, animals completely free of restricted heritage traits may be mistaken for an illegal breed and destroyed, without reason. In the recent case, CHIVERS Vs Gold Coast City Council, 2010, the inability to definitively determine the difference between an American Staffordshire terrier and an American Pit Bull terrier, led to the erroneous decision stating they were ‘one and the same breed’. However, in September 2010, after further investigation into the matter, it was revealed that the two breeds can be distinguished and therefore, the Staffordshire terrier was not restricted under the legislation. This case study clearly highlights the ambiguity surrounding the defining of certain dog breeds, and explicitly emphasizes the inability of the legislation to make clear and accurate judging. Therefore, the current legislation cannot be considered an effective law, as it has been deemed ambiguous, unequally applied and incorrectly enforced. However, while the owner is liable to the majority of the consequences in the event of a breach, the current breed specific legislation only places restrictions on the certain dog breeds, rather than on the owners. A study conducted in Germany in 2008 investigating the concept of inherent aggression showed that 95% of test subjects had no evidence to show that agression was a result of ingrained breed-specific characteristics. It also proved that the inherent temperament of the restricted dog breeds, was similar and in some cases identical to the unrestrcited breeds. It then went on to summarise that the treatment and training of an animal in the early years of its life, far outways any ingrained tenacity for aggression. In the opinion of The American Kennel Club a national canine club dedicated to furthering the study, breeding and exhibiting of dogs. â€Å"If specific breeds are banned, owners of these breeds intent on using their dogs for malicious or illegal purposes will simply change to another breed of dog and continue to jeopardize public safety. As such, a qualified and competent owner cannot, under the legislaiton, own a restricted dog breed, regardless of their ability to control, train and rectify any behavioural instincts or tendencies. Whereas an owner, with no recognised skill or qualification in animal care or ownership may purchase an unrestricted dog, and either through lack of care, or deliberate conditioning, train it to exhibit behaviour and attitudes that are classifed dangerous. Upon analysis of Figure 1 (see appendix) , it can be seen that after the introduction of breed-specific legislation in 2005, while the number of attacks immediately fell approximately 40%, after less than a year the percentage of dog attacks had doubled and continued to rise over the next five years until attacks were occuring 6-7 times more frequently than before the legislation was introduced. While these statistics do not confirm that the legislation caused the increase in attacks, it does prove that breed-specific laws have had no long term positive effect on the total number of dog attacks since being introduced. There are two prominent stakeholders within the issue of animal restrictions. The owners, who should have the right to own a dog of their choosing, regardless of breed stereotypes, providing they can care for it properly, and the civic society, who have the right to live and interact within the community, without fear of attacks from dangerous animals. The main conflict of interest between these two stakeholders is the issue of legal balance whether the rights of the individual are balanced with the rights of the collective community. If an animal of any kind escapes control and is loose within the community, it is no longer only an individual concern. If the animal then attacks or frightens a member of the community, it becomes a threat to the collective society as a whole and therefore the issue of dangerous animals is both an individual and collective dispute and and must be dealt with as such. However, while it is conceded that dangerous dogs do pose a potential threat to community members, the restricted dogs highlighted in the Animal Management (Cats Dog) Act, as explained above, have been proven by both scientific and survey evidence, to not be dangerous or aggressive by nature. As such, they should no longer be separated from other canine species based solely on the breed-specific legislation. Therefore, until such a time as they are deemed individually dangerous, restricted dogs should remain an individual’s concern. Upon closer review many minor stakeholders also come to light. Dog breeders face limitations on the number of restricted animals they are allowed to breed, which causes a lose of income. Those specialising in the breeding and training of these restricted animals are unable to employ their qualifications to the best of their ability due to stereotypical restrictions. Also, if at anytime, the heritage of a litter is determined to contain traces, whether intentionally or unknowingly, of any of these restricted breeds, no matter how small, all animals from the lineage are seized and most often destroyed, tarnishing the good reputation of the breeders concerned. The local councils responsible for the regulation and specific restrictions surrounding this issue are also heavily involved stakeholders. The council, while considering the effectiveness of any agenda, will be primarily looking for the solution executed with the most ease, as animal management is not a high priority in comparison to other issues. While employing the idea that ‘segregation is better than rehabilitation’ may be the easiest solution, as discussed above, it is certainly not the most effective. Another group of stakeholders, though often overlooked, are the animal activists and veterinarians involved in these issues. They have conducted experiments and collected survey data and are in possession of scientifically provable and viable evidence, such as the information presented above, to explictly show that breed specific tendancies of animals are only one of many factors that make up an animals characteristics and behaviour. These lobby groups and experts could dedicate their time to more pressing scientific or social issues, but are instead having to fight legislation which has no basis in scientific or civic fact. If the restrictions are revoked and breed-specific regulations are reviewed, then viable alternatives must be proposed and considered in order to effectively control what would still be a delicate situation. One possible alternative is categorizing animals based on individual character and aggression tests. It is already mandated that animals are checked by a certified veterinarian before registration and during regular points throughout the animals life, so, if introduced, these aptitiude tests could be amalgamated into this process and thereby, introduced effectively and without additional labour or due process. Another possible alternative is to direct the responsibility onto the potential owners themselves. Regardless of whether or not a breed is considered ‘dangerous’, it falls to the owner of the dog to educate and train it in such a way that it acts in an acceptable manner. Restriction is thereby determined not by the ownership of certain dog breeds, but by the behaviour or potential behaviour of both the owner and the individual animal in question. A legislative amendment, stating that any attack by a domesticated animal, specifically dog/s, would incur both a criminal and civil liabilty to fall upon the owner, will add a significant amount of risk to the purchase of said animal breeds. In this way, with the legislation focusing primarily on irresponsible or unqualified dog owners, the element of risk would ensure that only animal owners who are proficient in the training and keeping of dangerous dogs would consider the purchase, thereby reducing the number of dogs becoming conditioned to attack others. â€Å"If we want to prevent all bites, there is only one sure way and that is to ban all dogs. That is of course as unrealistic as trying to prevent bites by enacting breed-specific legislation. † (Bandow, 1996) It is the authors opinion, that this statement is the most effective summary of the current breed-specific legislation laws. As long as society continues to accept and welcome dogs as companions, there will continue to be issues regarding, what is in essence, a wild animal. However, the studies and analysis continue to show that there is little, if any proof that the breeds currently listed as restricted have any inherent tendacies affecting aggression or behaviour, and thereby distinguishing them from other breeds. As such they have no place being banned from our society simply due to the ill-informed stereotypes, generated by breed-specific legislation. Therefore, based on the evidence and analysis at hand, the proposed alternatives would prove a far more effective solution in the effort to solve the issues surrounding the ownership and domestication of restricted dog breeds. APPENDIX BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography 2008 Act No. 74. (2008). Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008, 142. QLD, Australia. CHIVERS Vs Gold Coast City Council (The Supreme Court March 2010). American Kennel Club. (2011). Brisbane City Council. (2013, January 17). Dangerous, Menacing and Restricted dogs. Retrieved January 17, 2013, from Brisbane City Council: http://www. brisbane. qld. gov. au/laws-permits/laws-and-permits-for-residents/animals-and-pets/cats-dogs/dangerous-menacing-restricted-dogs/index. htm Hall, A. (2012, August 15). Vets call to end dangerous dog breed bans. ABC NEWS. Marinucci, E. (2012 . 2013, September 12). Aritcles: Examples of Typical Situations of Injuries Caused by Dogs. Beger Co. Lawyers. The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd. (2012, August). Dangerous Dogs – A Sensible Solution: Policy and Model Legislative Framework. Australia. Van den Burg, L. (2011, December 12). Dangerous Dog Breed Bans Wont Stop Bites Say Health Professionals. Herald Sun.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ethical And Legal Aspects On Organ Transplantation Essay -- Organ Dona

Ethical And Legal Aspects On Organ Transplantation Recent reports of public figures receiving life-saving transplants have brought renewed attention to the scarcity of organs and the importance of organ transplants. Although more transplants are being performed in the United States each year the transplant waiting list continues to grow. It has been considered that the decrease in organ donors is due to the unsuccessful measures taken by health care professionals. This is a limited view of the matter because health care professionals are not directly responsible for the policies and other guidelines for procuring organs. The general population does not have the interest of suffering individuals at heart when it comes to donation. Instead, the interest lies with respecting individual autonomy and dead bodies. I strongly believe that the attention needs to focus on the next-of-kin or health care proxies communication with an individual who wants to be a donor. Health care proxies are designated individuals who speak on one's behalf, an d agree to put forward the type of medical intervention one wishes to have when one is no longer able to speak for oneself. The focus of public policy related to organ donation has been solely on the individual donor and recipient. However, there is a dire need to analyze and recommend changes to some of the current guidelines. For example, one of major reasons for the decrease in organ donation is the next-of-kin's ability to override the decision to donate. Secondly, current policies for distributing organs favor a pattern least likely to save lives: The allocation guidelines give top priority to the sickest patients regardless of their prognosis. I interpret the allocation guidelines as som... ...iteria for Evaluating Potentail Transplant Recipient Vary Among Centers." JAMA 269 (1993): 3091-3094. "Organ Donation: Social and Cultural Issues." Nursing Standards 41 (1995): 25-29. "Legal Framework for Organ Donation and Transplantation." Nursing Clinic of North America 24 (1989): 837-849. The Partnership for Organ Donation. "Hospitals Can Do More to Increase Donation." http://www.transweb.org/partnership/press.html ubc. (March 1996). The Public Health and Welfare, Chp. 7, subchapter 11, part A of 1986, 42 U.S.C.A. Section 1320b-9. University of Chicago Hospital's Policy. "UCH Organ and Tissue Donation Policy." http://www.hooked.net/users/chartsf/txp/txphome. htm # chrono. (27 Feb. 1996) Yale Biomedical Text. "Organ Trafficking Perspective from UNOS." http://www.info.med.yale.edu:70/11/disciplines/disciplines/transplant.htm (5 Aug. 1995).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Biblical Worldview Essay Essay

Introduction The Bible is an illustration of God and His love for us. Within the pages that we so effortlessly read, it is our life long journey to embody Christ and adhere to scripture and it’s teachings. The lessons to be learned in life are all encompassed in God’s words. The Bible displays so many lessons on life and how our lives should resemble His love. In this essay, we will examine the scripture of Romans 1-8 as it teaches us in great multitude of how our biblical worldview derives from the various aspects within those chapters. The Natural World God made the heavens and the earth, therefore, any and all acknowledgment of the natural world is a blessing by which He spoke the words of life and it appeared. We give all praise to God for providing such a blissful place to lie before we unite with Him in Heaven. The natural world is distinctively seen throughout Romans but more so in Romans 1:20 where Paul writes, â€Å"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.† This piece of scripture is saying that through all of our doubt in God and His power we can’t deny the fact that the world in which we live in is a product of His power. Without our natural world we would not exist and be able to live and die within our flesh. Our natural world is a showcase in which God shows His presence  within every facet of our natural world. Human Identity â€Å"Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’ So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.† Written in Genesis 1:26-27. To identify as humans is to embody Him because God created us in His image and gives us the choice to be Christ-like. To be Christ-like we must connect with Christ in all avenues so that we may die with sinful flesh but forever live in Heaven as an untouchable essence that no sin can corrupt. We are designed in the image of God and it’s our sole purpose to live life and love, as His son Christ loved us. Human Relationships Human relationships are a complex aspect to our lives. If we look at this topic from a biblical worldview then all human relationships and encounters should derive from love and not of hate. Since we are created in God’s image it is only fitting that we pay other humans the same love that we grace in our Lord’s presence. In Romans 5 we read of how humans are destined to be sinful as a result of the original sin but through Christ’s birth and sacrifice we can be born again and be seen through a new light. Romans 6:11 states so clearly, â€Å"In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.† We are giving a second chance in living up to God’s image and allowing our human relationships to cultivate as a result of Christ’s love for us. From that point on we are no longer seeking out God’s acceptance but rejoicing in His profound forgiveness. Culture God does not see us as a culture or a race. He identifies us by our faith and saves us by his grace. Within the Roman scripture we see that the Romans  had faltered in their ways and the habits in which they displayed on a regular basis showed God that their culture was full of sin and that sin inevitably forced them to turn away from God. Acknowledging God’s presence but not acting in accordance to His word is a sign of a culture of rebellion and denial. The Romans turned their backs on God and this is not something that you would want God to do. Some cultures seek out God and long to live for Him and as stated from history, there are the lesser fortunate cultures and subcultures that follow their flesh and their minds. Your culture does not define your relationship with God but it can inhabit you from ever having a relationship with Him. Conclusion Throughout life we can identity what our worldviews are and throughout our life with God and the Bible we can stamp our biblical worldviews and share them to the world. The things we see, hear, touch, smell, and taste are all products of our God’s spoken words to create life. We should live everyday of our lives thanking Him for grace. We can be thankful that God created us all in His image and it is our life long pursuit to live Christ-like. Our flesh will always be a burden and let us down because of Adam’s sin yet it is Christ who sacrificed himself and gave us the opportunity to be born again. Our newfound life as a child of God is to live as Christ did and love others as He loves us. God loves us by grace and does not see us as cultures but as individuals whom seek him and love him as Christ does.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Boxer Rebellion

Write a powerful and memorable topic sentence for each side Of the Teacart en for why American involvement was necessary and one for why intervention was deter mental. Topic sentence about why U. S. Involvement was needed in the Boxer Rebellion: Rebellion was a problem: Help on gain their independence. The boxer rebellion was a problem because a war and the U. S did not what to into another war 3. For each topic sentence, write (in complete sentences) three supporting detail s from your chart. Three supporting details about why U. S. Involvement was necessary in the Boxer Rebellion: why U. S. Derivation in the Boxer Rebellion was a problem: Supporting detail #1: Supporting detail #1 : Hetman Movement was an it was a civil war and the U. S did not materialistic uprising which took have to be there place in China Towards the end of the King dynasty between 1898 and 1900. Supporting detail #2: the U. S send 3,125 army troops. 2,500 foreign soldiers die Supporting detail #3: The Boxer Re bellion weakened At first, the Boxers wanted to the Chining dynasty's power and destroy the Chining dynasty and hastened the Republican anted to rid China of all foreign Revolution of 191 1 that overthrew influence. ND the U. S did not got the boy emperor and made China out of the rebellion and got more a republic. That help U. S get more involved into china political power in china business influence. 4. Write a few sentences about whatnot think should have been done about the e Boxer Rebellion had the decision been yours. With which side do you agree, and why? This states .NET could BEA compromise, using elements of both sides, now thou have evaluated bothConclusion the Boxer Rebellion was a Chinese civil war and there have not be other count tries should not have to be involved in this civil war. The Boxer what to destroy the Chining dynasty that was run more than 250 years. It all beginning in 1898, grog ups of peasants in northern China began to band together into a secret soci ety ink as lo chuan Righteous and Harmonious Fists called the boxers by Western press. Write Your Paragraph Now that you've prepared, write a complete paragraph for your journal entry.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Assess The Plan Framework To Solve Makeshift Marketing

Assess The Plan Framework To Solve Makeshift Marketing It’s good enough. Usually, â€Å"good enough† isn’t enough to solve problems for employees and customers.   Today’s guest is Brianne Hoffman, senior marketing and communications manager at Wanzek Construction. She offers advice on how to avoid makeshift marketing to improve productivity.   Some of the highlights of the show include:   Internal and External Marketing and Communications: Create strategies that grab and engage target audience   Wanzek Construction: Builds and maintains industrial wind turbines, solar farms Plan Persona and Associate with Audience: Long-term projects decrease need for brand new business and customers #1 Priority: Safety is cornerstone of Wanzek Construction’s people and property Core Values and Work Culture: Big, happy family 7 Internal Beliefs: Protect, Trust, Talent, Information, Integrity, Communication, and Profit Fist Bump App: Callouts to coworkers for a job well done   Content Pillars: Document marketing and communication goals and game plan   Plan in advance to help anticipate and alleviate fire drills and pop-up projects Weekly Summary: Reinforce and reflect on list of accomplishments Pressure to do more, with less: Identify inefficiencies to shift responsibilities, and find tools that get things done faster   Wanzek Way: Be the best and deliver excellence Back to the Drawing Board: What do you think we should do?   Marketing and Communication Metrics: Track popular posts, recruitment campaigns, followers, and more Links:   Brianne Hoffman on LinkedIn Wanzek Construction Xcel Energy ENGIE The Marketing Management + Strategy Statistics You Need to Know in 2019 New Marketing Suite Who do you want on the podcast? What do you want to talk about? Send suggestions for guests and topics. If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Brianne Hoffman: â€Å"When we are marketing ourselves to the outside worldwe’re maintaining our brand.† â€Å"We’re always looking to get them home safely every day.† â€Å"Feel of Family: The culture is important here, just as much as our product and what we produce.† â€Å"More resources doesn’t always equal more productivity. Additional headcount isn’t always the answer.†

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Moral Majority - Evangelical Conservative Movement

Moral Majority - Evangelical Conservative Movement The Moral Majority was powerful movement in American politics made up of evangelical Christian conservatives who felt their families and values were under attack amid the legalization of abortion, womens liberation and what they perceived to be the moral decline of society during the turbulent 1960s. The Moral Majority was founded in 1979 by the Rev. Jerry Falwell, who would become a polarizing figure himself in the decades that followed.   Falwell described the Moral Majoritys mission as being the agent to train, mobilize and electrify the Religious Right.  In a speech at his own Baptist Church in  Lynchburg, Virginia, in 1980, Falwell described the Moral Majoritys enemy: We’re fighting a holy war. What’s happened to America is that the wicked are bearing rule. We have to lead the nation back to the moral stance that made America great. We need to wield influence on those who govern us. The Moral Majority does not exist as an institution anymore, but the movement of evangelical conservatives remains strong in American politics. The Moral Majority dissolved as an institution in 1989 when Falwell proclaimed our mission is accomplished. Falwell had resigned as the groups president two years earlier, in 1987. Falwell said in announcing the disbanding of the Moral Majority in 1989: I feel that I have performed the task to which I was called in 1979. The religious right is solidly in place and, like the galvanizing of the black church as a political force a generation ago, the religious conservatives in America are now in for the duration. Indeed, several other groups remain influential in carrying on the mission of evangelical conservatives. They include Focus on the Family, run by  psychologist James Dobson; the Family Research Council, run by Tony Perkins; the Christian Coalition of American, run by Pat Roberson; and the  Faith and Freedom Coalition, run by Ralph Reed. Public opinion has shifted on many of the issues that drove the formation of these groups following the 1960s. Policy Goals of the Moral Majority The Moral Majority sought to gain influence in national politics so that it could work to: Prohibit abortion and overturn Roe v. Wade.Require prayer in public schools.Oppose and ban gay marriage.Defeat the  Equal Rights Amendment, which guaranteed women the same rights as men.A return to traditional gender roles in American households. Falwells Family Manifesto declared the role of the male is most effectively that of provider and the role of the female one of nurturer. Bio of Moral Majority Founder Jerry Falwell Falwell was a Southern Baptist minister who rose to prominence as the founder of Lynchburg Baptist College in Lynchburg, Virginia. The institution later changed its name to Liberty University. He was also the host of the  Old Time Gospel Hour,  a television show that was broadcast across the United States. He founded the Moral Majority in 1979 to combat what he saw as the erosion of culture. He resigned in 1987 amid the groups sagging finances and poor election results in the 1986 midterm elections.  Falwell said at the time he was returning to his  first love, the pulpit. Back to preaching, back to winning souls, back to meeting spiritual needs, he said.   Falwell died in May 2007 at the age of 73. History of the Moral Majority The Moral Majority had its roots in the New Right movement of the 1960s. The New Right, eager to boost its ranks and hungry for a major election victory following Republican Barry Goldwaters loss in 1964, sought to bring evangelicals into its ranks and encouraged Falwell to launch the Moral Majority, according to Dan Gilgoff, the author of the 2007 book  The Jesus Machine: How James Dobson, Focus on the Family, and Evangelical America are Winning the Culture War.   Wrote Gilgoff: Through Moral Majority, Falwell focused his activism on evangelical pastors, telling them that issues like abortion rights and gay rights required them to cast off their decades-long political inhibitions and to stop viewing politics as a dirty business unfit for church people. In the early 1980s, Falwell barnstormed the country, speaking to countless congregations and pastors breakfasts and logging 250,000 miles a year on a chartered plane. Falwells activism seemed to pay off early. While white evangelicals had backed Jimmy Carter - a Southern Baptist whod taught Sunday school in Georgia - in 1976, they broke 2 to 1 for Ronald Reagan in 1980, providing a major plank of support and establishing themselves as a lasting base of Republican support. The Moral Majority claimed some four million Americans were members, but critics argue the number was substantially smaller, only in the hundreds of thousands. The Decline of the Moral Majority Some conservative firebrands including Goldwater openly mocked the Moral Majority and portrayed it as a dangerous fundamentalist group that threatened to erase the line separating church and state by using the muscle of religion towards political ends. Said Goldwater in 1981: The uncompromising position of these groups is a divisive element that could tear apart the very spirit of our representative system if they gain sufficient strength. Goldwater added that  he was  sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in A, B, C and D. Just who do they think they are? The influence of the Moral Majority peaked with the election of Republican Ronald Reagan  as  president in 1980, but the re-election of the conservative icon in 1984 also sped the decline of Falwells group. Many financial backers of the Moral Majority saw little need to keep contributing when the White House was safely in their control.   Ronald Reagans reelection in 1984 led many supporters to conclude that further contributions were no longer as badly needed, wrote  Glenn H. Utter and James L. True in  Conservative Christians and Political Participation: A Reference Handbook. The decline of the Moral Majority was also precipitated by nagging questions about prominent evangelists including Jim Bakker, who hosted The PTL Club until a sex scandal forced him to quit, and Jimmy Swaggart also brought down by scandal. Eventually, Falwells critics began to ridicule the Moral Majority, it was neither moral nor a majority.   The Controversial Jerry Falwell In the 1980s and 1990s, Falwell was widely ridiculed for making a series of bizarre statements that made him and the Moral Majority appear to be out of touch with mainstream Americans. He warned, for example, that a purple character on the childrens show  Teletubbies,  Tinky Winky, was gay and  encouraging tens of thousands of children to be gay as well. He said Christians were deeply concerned about little boys running around with purses and acting effeminate and leaving the idea that the masculine male, the feminine female is out, and gay is O.K. After the attacks of September 11, 2001, Falwell suggested gays, feminists and those who support abortions rights help create the environment for such terrorism. Falwell said: Throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools ... the abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. The pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say you helped this happen. Falwell also claimed: AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharaohs charioteers ... AIDS is not just Gods punishment for homosexuals; it is Gods punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals. Falwells influence in politics waned dramatically in the final two decades of his life because of such statements, which he made a time when public opinion was shifting in favor of gay marriage and womens reproductive rights.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Global Warming - Essay Example His claim is based on the fact that man has the ability to create artificial tropical living conditions through warm clothing and heated offices and homes. The species too are threatened not by the climate change but by the destruction of the habitat such as deforestation. The climate according to this biologist is being used as a scapegoat to divert the attention from other environmental crimes. Warming temperatures promote biodiversity – the warmer the regions is the more diverse its species. The greenhouse effect could help improve biodiversity in the long run. Reichholf explains that biodiversity reached its peak a few million years ago when it was much warmer than it is today. In fact when the ice ages came and the temperatures dropped, species became extinct especially in the north. In warmer climates species receives new habitats. In warmer climates survival is easier. At the same time consensus is growing among scientists, governments and businesses that something must be done to combat the climate change. The nation’s largest utility companies have been forced to ensure that they reduce the emissions of the gas that are believed to be warming the earth as it threatens the economy, the health, the natural resources and the children’s future (Business Week, 2004). The Bush Administration does not believe that the Kyoto protocol and the mandatory curbs would help the situation; it would on the contrary cripple the economy and hence advise new low-carbon technologies. The scientists do not foresee any danger because the planet is only going to be slightly warmer and there is nothing that can avoid it. The scientists claim that carbon dioxide and other gases act like the roof of a greenhouse. Energy from the sun can pass through easily and some of the warmth that would be naturally radiated back remains trapped, thereby warming the plan et. If